14 separate fires, driven by Santa Ana winds, destroy hundreds of homes and buildings, thousands evacuate, only 1 fatality so far….–Bob Corker becomes second Repub Senator to talk honestly about Trump, and Twitter shitstorm follows, predictably
–Corker’s fears are reflected in new threats from Iran and North Korea, responding to Rump’s threats and twisted tease about “calm before the storm”
–Trump shafts Dreamers, and Nancy and Chuck, as he abandons DACA deal with demands he knows will be rejected
–Trump’s digital guru, Brad Parscale, told 60 Minutes about his use of Facebook—aided by embedded Facebook employees—microtargeted Trump voters
–Google reveals less than $60,000 spent by some Russians on ads in 2016
—CNN, using named source for a change, reports on emails that appear to soften claims about Don, Jr’s meeting with Russians in June ‘16
–Tweeting another ignorant claim, Trump slams late night hosts for skewering him, and asks about “equal time”
—60 Minutes offered hero worship for Las Vegas cops, but doesn’t raise any questions about 2nd shooter, or 72-minute delay in entering shooter’s room
–Sen. Dianne Feinstein bucks the polls, progressives and her age, announces she will seek re-election next year
–Harvey Weinstein is fired by his company as most board members quit, and more allegations surface of predatory behavior
–at Buzzfeed, Jason Leopold and colleague use FOIA’d documents to show how the FBI muscles Hollywood to project a false image
–in Barcelona, hundreds of thousands protest against independence from Spain
–extending cruel, false hopes to coal miners, EPA boss Scott Pruitt says “war on coal” is over; expect lots of lawsuits in response